Update to post below

So some people have been having issues listening to the mix below. I believe you have to register on the website in order to listen to it. If you are having technical difficulties add this step and you should be fine.

On a side note Ableton Live 7 is making me froth at the mouth, it's not the rabies this time. After Jason's comments regarding creating my own beats to go with tracks I went to the Ableton site (something I have done before) and stared longingly at the pictures of the full version of Ableton (I am currently using the Lite version).

I then went to Youtube to watch videos and tutorials of people using it and it makes me lust after it even more. I may indeed incur more debt soon but such is the way of progression. Certainly I am in no way an ablebodied mixer with my CD players, but with Ableton's help I can make my mixes more creative by prepping my tracklist prior to recording and then adding variations to the set.

I created a messy loop that I may post for your listening pleasure. I'm also planning on posting one of the first mixes I recorded. I'm kind of working backwards at this point but hopefully you can see progress. I'm also planning on critiquing the Tex Smex Smix once I've given everyone ample time to listen.

Jason, I'm still working on getting the transitions of that mix for you, but I appreciate your feedback. Again, for those that aren't familiar with DJing or mixing, the mix is typically judged as a whole piece of work rather than just snippets. I've gottan compliments on certain things that sound good, but really the tracks themselves aren't my doing. I have limited ability to make something new from them aside from the occassional flanger, echo or loop. It's really the transition between tracks (aka seamlessness) and the track positioning within the mix. Are there areas where you feel like a song doesn't belong or doesn't mesh well with the one before or after? Let me know at what time this is happening. It's kind of like scoring a movie. I feel, even though I've never DJed a party that the partygoers are my film I'm watching and it's my job to control their tempo and keep the movie (dancers) interested.

Wow, that was a lot longer than I thought it was going to be. Happy reading and keep checking back for more updates! <3


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