Coming Soon: The End of Everything

Yes you heard that correct. Due to recent life changing events The End of Everything will be the title of my next set. I was originally working on another set but it will be forced to wait in line...assuming something can blossom after The End of Everything. That was a pun.

I'm slowly figuring out the Trigger Finger I purchased and making use of it with Ableton. It's actually really sweet. Of course now I want more knobs and sliders so I can use even more effects.

One of the things I really enjoy about progressive house and trance is the use of subtle vocals. They rarely overpower the music in a track. To help illustrate what I mean, lets take a look at most pop music. Often times it is made up of a producer that produces computer generated sounds that dress up an often subpar singer. Good producers are what really make you not want to cut your ears off and hang them on a necklace. They make the track. However, they are rarely given much credit by the masses.

To help illustrate my meaning lets say that you go to a steak house and order a steak with a baked potato. Now, lets say the singer is the steak and the producer is the potato. Obviously the steak house wants you to love the steak, they give you some steak sauce or some carmelized onions on top and make it look really pretty. Meanwhile, that baked potato is just sitting there looking like an ugly ass baked potato.

So you start your meal, ready to devour what appears to be a mouth watering steak when after your first bite you realize it is tough and dry. It's not disgusting enough to send back but you really wished you had ordered the fish at this point. After you eat about half of it you're starving for some substance. Like a potato. You start eating it and it's delicious. You can remember the last time you had such a delicious potato.

Basically the moral of this story is that the only thing that makes that nasty ass steak bearable is the ugly potato. The same potato that you won't remember but might help you forget just how bad the steak really is.

After having written this I also came up with a fundamental difference between electronic music and pop music. In electronic music the producer or DJ is showcased while pop music has the singer showcased. This could even be attributed to what our culture puts value in and what cultures where electronic dance music is more mainstream put value in. Think about it. A pop singer puts the least amount of effort into the process of making their tracks. They sing and veto the production team. Only a few actually write their own lyrics and often the producer is the one that comes up with everything else. Obviously there are exceptions but I think we can agree that Britney doesn't have time in between tell all documentaries, neglecting her children and flashing the paparrazi to come up with meaningful lyrics. I mean, if you have ever heard her speak you'd know she has a hard time putting together a coherent sentence.

Wow, that was a fun rant.
Remember the title, I'm working on it.


ronster said...

Wahoo that was a lot of $%^^&. What next war on the galaxy. I can hardly wait. Oh yeah I forgot "It's the end of everything". So there can't be another war. I know, what about the "Beginning of the beginning" then whatever begins can determine what it will be and it will be awesome, OR it could be nothing but what it could be if it wasn't something else that it already was. What if it was nothing where would it begin at the end, but the end of what? It was nothing. The ending maybe better than the beginning. We have not even discussed the middle. It might be the best ever and it would not want it to end ever if ever it could. Can there be degrees of middleness? Beginning, Beginning Middle, Middle, Middle Ending, Ending. What if it was nothing and nothing happened, void?

Thank you TIESTO for helping me with my loss of mind.

DJ Mercy said...

I like your moxie you space leprechaun. I'm not really sure how to answer your question except that I think it might be 7. Yes, 7 is the answer to your question.

Thank you again galactic midget for posting a comment.

Jason said...

One: your puns suck. Two ronster does not have good command of English grammar. I think he was drinking when he wrote that.

Jason said...

Also, you used the intro phrase: "To help illustrate my point/meaning" twice in your blog. You need an editor homey.

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