Sweet Suite

I finally broke down and lobbed a large chunk of money at Ableton for the Suite upgrade. Essentially it gives me a bunch of instruments to produce electronic music. I have just started reading through the manual which is 480 pages long. Quite an undertaking for learning new software but I'm looking forward to the challenge. I'm using an introductory guide by a gent named Tom Cosm. He uses Ableton and it's native instruments to produce his tracks and mixes.

The lessons are each an hour long and there are 10 of them. By no means do I think I'll be a pro once I'm finished with the lessons but I do feel like I'll be more comfortable using Ableton and the instruments. I watched the first one tonight and learned a few things about synthesis and creating an interesting bass line by layering the same bass track over itself but making a simple change to the second bass track's oscillator .

I've got some technical jargon tossed in there that, admittedly I haven't read much of myself but hopefully the links will be informative and give you (and me) a baisc idea of what the terms mean.

Well, back to reading! I can't wait to start my second lesson tomorrow!

DJ Mercy - Suit Up

The new mix is now available for download and streaming. It's a progressive house/progressive trance mix with a heavy dose of great vocal tracks. I'm always so excited for this one so I hope you enjoy. Feel free to vote if you have an account with djmix.net. If you need easy access to the mix just click the "Suit Up" link to the right under Mixes or click the picture below.

Celtic are THROUGH!

2-0 win on the road! Holy crap! a 22 match winless streak on the road in Champions League play finally comes to an end. I only wish I could have seen it myself.

This segues into my photo well. Why don't I have this? Someone. I beg you. Go to Celtic's website and get me this!

To answer your question: Yes, it really does exactly what is shown in the photograph. Get your credit cards ready!


Well I'm broke for the time being so I have yet to put together a decent track list for the next mix. China and lack of self control will do that to a person. I have a plan though so don't fret.

As for the title I just keep looking at my red arms and reminiscing about the beach. Good times.

Cracked it

Cracked in to the Top 10 on day one. Debuting at number 10 on djmix.net is no small feat so thank you all. To those that haven't voted, please feel free. To those wondering why I appreciate the votes I'll just say that the longer my mix stays on the front page of djmix.net the more exposure it is getting. The more exposure it gets the more the big guys out there take notice and maybe someday I'll actually get a gig playing in front of actual people or a slot on someone else's podcast. That would be wonderful.

DJ Mercy - Are We Out There

The new mix is now available for streaming or for download. As always you just have to register to djmix.net to download the mix to your computer/ipod/mp3 player. Otherwise it will stream if you click the listen now button. If you register, please go ahead and vote! The more votes the better shot I have at making it to number 1 on the top mixes of the site! (Shameless I know.) Thank you all for your help. The link to the mix is to the right of this post!

It's called jazz

I'm sorry I hit a wrong note on that last song I hit an A instead of an E but you know what? It's called jazz and my good friend Travis Barker starts it off.

Awesome. Seriously. Did I mention I have tickets for this. Awesome! Third time's a charm.